43 The first of Corniche in Maadi Cairo,Egypt



Why you should you have a CORE needle biopsy FIRST

Why you should you have a
CORE needle biopsy FIRST


– Breast masses can be either malignant or benign.
– One can never conclude the true nature without a biopsy.
– Management is very different between malignant and benign lesions.
– Most benign lesions DO NOT need surgical intervention.
– Malignant tumors are not all the same and surgical management can really be too different.
– Knowing in advance the exact nature of the lesion can minimize the
number of operations, or even saves the patients having surgery.
– In todays practice, many tumors need medical treatment first before
surgery to achieve better long term results.
– In many types of tumors, upfront medical treatment before surgery can
improve the success of treatment plan.
– Some malignant tumors warrant further investigations before surgery.
– Ignoring the need for core needle biopsy first can deprive patients of better management plans.
– Fine needle aspirate cannot differentiate different types of tumors hence it has to be CORE biopsy.
– Frozen section as – sadly- is done by most is unacceptable and has many false results.
– Knowing in advance the exact nature of the lesion can improve patients`
chance of having successful breast reconstruction.
– A patient who knows in advance her true diagnosis and full management
plan sails through her treatment with minimal dissatisfaction.

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