43 The first of Corniche in Maadi Cairo,Egypt




Types of Breast Surgery

Types of Breast Surgery

Types of Breast Surgery   The general rule is:  Excision of the tumor + Radiation therapy = Mastectomy  Sentinel node biopsy (node sample) or complete excision of the lymph nodes. 1- Excision of the tumor only (Lumpectomy). 2- Excision of the tumor and lymph node...

Cancer during Pregnancy

Cancer during Pregnancy

Cancer during Pregnancy   Uncommon but NOT rare situation when a pregnant woman develops Breast Cancer. Unfortunately, they present late if ignored and got false assurance by own doctor as normal changes of pregnancy. For this reason, we urge any pregnant lady who...

Benign Breast Tumors

Benign Breast Tumors

Benign Breast Tumors   Most Breast Tumors prove to be benign (not cancer). In contrast to cancer, Benign Tumors have a capsule, cannot spread and do not recur when completely removed.  FIBROADENOMA: Fairly common in the young (15-30 years old). Nicknamed, the Breast...

Types of Breast Surgery

Types of Breast Surgery

Types of Breast Surgery The general rule is:  Excision of the tumor + Radiation therapy = Mastectomy  Sentinel node biopsy (node sample) or complete excision of the lymph nodes. [/bt_text][bt_text] 1- Excision of the tumor only (Lumpectomy). 2- Excision of the tumor...

Nipple Discharge

Nipple Discharge

Nipple Discharge Nipple discharge is a fairly common complaint. In the majority of cases it is insignificant as it is usual for nipples to produce small amount of colorless /yellowish discharge. Usually not seen but, if it builds up could be noticed. We differentiate...

Breast Tumours

Breast Tumours

معظم الأورام التى تشعر بها السيدات يثبت أنها حميدة ولكن لايمكن الجزم بدون استشارة الطبيب المتخصص.
